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My Art Collection Software | Gettng Started 2.0

My Art Collection 2.0 Getting Started

    |   Art Collection Management Software for Mac, Windows, and iOS

Avoid unnecessary data loss. Adding the My Art Collection data file (MyArt.MA2) to your normal back up procedures may save your hard work. Crashes, force quits and power outages during the use of the software can cause corruption of your data. Be safe and back up your files today!

How to Use My Art Collection 2.0

My Art Collection 2.0 is a simple to use database that will help you organize and manage your collection, keep track of your art's details, artists, sales history, appraisal, authentication and more. The database contains fields for all the information that you will need to have a great listing of your collection and it’s value for insurance. It also contains entry fields for photos of each of your works for visual verification.

With My Art Collection 2.0 you can…

1- Track your entire art collection.
2- Find, Sort, and View your art list.
3- Keep extensive notes and details about your art and the artists who created it.
4- Keep accurate records of the value of your collection for insurance.
5- View and print various reports of your collection.

Getting started

When you first begin using My Art Collection 2.0 you will want to create new records for your art. There are two ways of doing this.

Create one new record at a time.

To Add One New Record…
1- Select the "New Record" button.
2- Once in the "Detail" layout, fill in the appropriate information pertaining to your piece of art.
3- Do this for each piece of art.
Using the Art Detail Tab below

Create multiple records for your art automatically.

To Create Multiple Records Automatically…

1- Take digital pictures of your art and place them in a folder on your hard drive.
2- Go to the "Tools" drop down at the top of your screen and choose "Import a Folder of Images" option.
3- A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the location of the folder. Click the "Specify" button and locate the folder. If you have folders within the folder, check the "Include all enclosed folders" option.
4- Next select your options for file type and importing. For "File Type" leave the "Picture and movie files" option checked. For importing we recommend that you check the "Import only a reference to each picture file" option.
IMPORTANT: If you choose this option you must leave the folder of pictures in the same place on your hard drive and never delete the folder. If you move or delete the folder the pictures will no longer display in the software.
Importing Pictures below
5- Click the "OK" button.
  1. The "Import Field Mapping" dialog box appears. Make sure that the fields are lined up as follows. Image -> Picture 1, File Name -> Title, Image Thumbnail -> Thumbnail Picture.
  2. Click the "Import" Button.
  3. Make sure that the "Perform auto-enter options while importing" option is checked.
  4. Maker sure that the "Import values in repeating fields by" option is set to "Keeping them in the original record"
  5. Click the "Ok" button.

To Delete an Existing Record…

1- Click the “Delete” button or go to the "Records" option on the top tool bar. From the "Records" dropdown select the "Delete Record" option. Deleting a record is Permanent.

There are two main Tabs in the software. The Art List Tab and the Art Detail Tab.

Using the Art List Tab

The Art List Tab is the main area you will use to view and search your art list. It is a place for you to find and sort your artwork into groups. An example of this is to make a list of all of the artwork you own that are paintings.

To do so…

  1. Go to the "Art List" screen.
  2. Select the "Find" button to enter "Find Mode". NOTE: You will know you are in the "Find Mode" when there is only one blank record in the "Art List" screen and a "Continue" button on the left hand side of the screen.
  3. When in "Find Mode" type the word "Painting" in the "Art Type" field. NOTE: You can enter as much criteria in as many fields as you wish to do a find.
  4. Click the "Continue" button on the left-hand side of the screen.
  5. All paintings will now appear in your "Art List".
  6. The final step would be to choose and print a report that best fits your needs.
See Running Reports below

You do not enter data in the art list. To enter data go to the Art Detail.

Using the Art Detail Tab

The Art Detail Tab is where all the major details about a specific piece of art can be entered and then later found. Here is where you will add pictures and other information specific to a particular piece of art. All information entered on either the Overview, Detail, Artist, Review/Notes, Sales History and Appraisal / Authentication sections will always be automatically saved.

Understanding the eight sections of the Art Detail Tab

Within the Art Detail Tab section there are five options to choose from.

Most of this information is self-explanatory. The entry fields will allow you to enter your information and in most cases as you add new art, for example, you will be building "drop down" menus that will facilitate the ease of adding new items.

A- Overview:
The Overview screen is designed to be just that, an overview. It gives you the basic essentials for identifying your piece of art. The Overview screen includes Title, Artist Name, Medium, Subject, Art Type, Date Created, Purchased From, Cost, Price, Appraisal Value, Total Profit / Loss, Status, Description and Picture.

Importing Pictures:

To add a single picture of your art:

1- Go to the Overview screen.
2- Select the "Import" button for Picture 1, Picture 2 etc.
3- Repeat this for up to 6 images.

It is not recommended that you reference images. We suggest that you embed the images into the system.

If you choose to reference your images her here some tips:
1. Create a folder that will hold all of the image files.
Do not create subfolders for the pictures. (This will make it easy for you to update the links if you need to move the software to another computer.)
2. Leave the folder where it was originally located on your computer.
3. Do NOT delete the original picture files from your hard drive.
4. If you need to move MyArtCollection to another computer, move the software files AND the image folder. When moved if you receive an error in the image window and the image cannot be displayed, re-import the first image as a reference, and the rest will automatically be updated for you.

B- Detail:
The Detail screen is designed to manage the more detailed information about your piece of art. It gives you some of the same basic elements of the Overview screen but adds more elements to better define the art. The Detail screen includes Title, Artist Name, Medium, Subject, Art Type, Date Created, Place Created, Dimensions, Weight, Print number, Frame, Condition, Location, Tracking Number and History.

NOTE: The Tracking Number is automatically assigned a unique number when the record is created. You can override this number at any time and enter your own number.

C- Artist:
The Artist screen is designed to manage the information about the artist who created the work. It gives you the elements you need to adequately document the artist. The Artist screen includes Artist Name, Nationality, Life Span, Address, Phone Number, E-Mail, Website, Foundation, Accomplishments and Bio.

D- Review / Notes
The Review / Notes screen is designed to manage any reviews and personal notes you have regarding a piece of art. The Review / Notes screen includes Title, Artist Name, Review and Notes.

E- Sales History:
The Sales History screen is designed to manage the information about who sold you the art and if you sold it who you sold it to. It gives you the elements you need to adequately document the seller and buyer. The Sales History screen includes two sections, Seller and Buyer.

The Seller screen includes Title, Purchased From, Address, Phone Number, E-Mail, Website, Date Purchased, Cost and Notes.

The Buyer screen includes Title, Sold To, Address, Phone Number, E-Mail, Website, Date Sold, Price and Notes.

F- Appraisal:
The Appraisal / Authentication screen is designed to manage the information about the Appraisal and Authentication of a piece of art. It gives you the elements you need to adequately document the appraiser and authenticator. The Appraisal / Authentication screen includes two sections, Appraisal and Authentication.

The Appraisal screen includes Title, Appraised by, Address, Phone Number, E-Mail, Website, Date Appraised, Appraisal Value, Notes and Certificate.

G- Authentication
The Authentication screen includes Title, Authenticated by, Address, Phone Number, E-Mail, Website, Date Authenticated, Notes and Certificate.

NOTE: To delete the picture of either the Appraisal or Authentication Certificate click in the picture field and press the "Delete" button.

H- Documents (Advanced and Professional Versions only)
The Documents page allows you to store scans or other digital documents of receipts, reviews etc. To attached a digital document, click the “Click to Import File” for a new line. To export the document click on the file name for that file.

Finding a piece of Art

Finding a piece of art is easy. To do so…
1- Select the "Find" button. Doing so will place you in "Find Mode".
2- Type a value in any field, such as the Title field, and select the "Continue" button to the left of your screen. You can enter find criteria for multiple fields you feel is necessary to find the specific piece of art or list of art you desire.
3- If more than one art record is found for the result, you may be asked if you would like to view the results in your "Art List".

Showing All Art Records

To show all Art records in your collection select the "Show All" button.

Performing a Custom Sort

To do a custom sort by any field,
  1. Choose the "Records" drop down from top menu bar and select "Sort".
  2. An interface will appear that allows you to choose the fields and setting to sort by. Make your selection.
  3. Select the "Sort" button.

NOTE: To Unsort your art records follow the above steps and choose "Unsort" for step 3.

Running Reports

Running Reports is easy. There are ten different types of reports you can run.

1- Insurance Report
2- Collection Summary
3- Art List
4- Labels
5- Portfolio
6- Art Detail
7- Artist Detail
8- Appraisal Detail
9- Authentication Detail
10- Export to custom report

1- To run the report, select the "Reports" button and select whichever report you want to run.
2- To print the report select the "File" dropdown from the top tool bar and select "Print".
3- Select the "Continue" button to the left of the screen to return to the Reports menu.
4- Select the "Back" button to return to the screen you originally came from.

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