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Bibliography | My Art Colelction - Art Collection / Art Collecting Fundamentails Tutorial


Canaday, John, Mainstreams of Modern Art, Simon and Schuster, 1959

Cohen, Rebecca S., They Knew What They Liked, Austin Chronicle, 1997

David, Joshua, Is This a Real Jackson Pollock?, Wired, July 2003

Green, Samuel M., American Art - A Historical Survey, The Ronald Press Company, 1966

Evans, Marion Boddy, Painting, About, Inc. (website) , 2003

Frank, Jeanne, Discovering Art, Thunder's Mouth Press, 1997

Norton Simon Biography, Norton Simon Museum Website, 2003

Robinson, Patrick, The Art of Buying Fine Art, Hana Coast Gallery Website, 2003

Saarinen, Aline B., The Proud Possessors, Random House, 1958